
It's what Ambrosians do every day when they serve others, 大的梦想, 全球行动, 寻找意义.


Follow your interests, explore new opportunities, and stay busy.

St. galaxy银河娱乐场app-独立, 教区, and Catholic – enables its students to develop intellectually, 精神上, 在伦理上, 社会, 在艺术上, and 物理ly to enrich their own lives and the lives of others.

St. galaxy银河娱乐场app will be recognized as a leading Midwestern university rooted in its 教区 heritage and 天主教的知识传统. Ambrosians are committed to academic excellence, the liberal arts, social justice 和服务.



我们的学生通常会给出178分以上的分数,000 service hours each year to volunteer projects here and across the world.



Of our 2019 graduates who responded to an outcomes survey, 91%被雇用, 读研究生, 服兵役, 或在毕业后6个月内做志愿者.



  • 加入一个由不同学习者组成的galaxy银河娱乐场app. 我们有60多种 本科专业, 11 master programs, and three doctoral programs.
  • Follow your interests, explore new opportunities, and stay busy. 我们有几十名学生 组织和俱乐部, myriad athletic teams, study abroad, honors, and much more.  
  • 我们的学生, 教师, 而员工通常会捐出178个以上,000 service hours each year to volunteer projects here and across the world.



  • Our 教师 and staff assist more than 114 organizations, serving as members on volunteer boards and committees.
  • 我们重视多样性和相互学习. Our community includes students of various religious, 少数民族, 文化, 社会经济背景.
  • 你得到了你应得的关注, caring professors who strive to make your college journey a success.
  • St. galaxy银河娱乐场app是 由高等教育委员会认可的对于初galaxy银河娱乐场app来说. Most of our undergraduate and graduate programs are individually accredited, 太, which means you get a high-quality education backed by the resources, 设施, 以及帮助你茁壮成长的经历.     


我们对校园和galaxy银河娱乐场app产生了影响. In 2018, more than 600 students 太k part in 区别对待 Day and helped 120 campus neighbors get their yards ready for winter. 这是工作,是乐趣,也是回报.



We treasure and build on our strong Catholic identity in relationship with the Diocese of Davenport. As an independent institution of higher 学习, St. galaxy银河娱乐场app embodies our faith tradition through teaching, 学习, 奖学金, 和服务, through openness to those of other faith traditions, 通过追求正义与和平.


The 天主教的知识传统 is a body of ideas, practices and ways of thinking in which 奖学金 is informed by faith, 信仰来自正义, 产生新的理解和方向.

The 天主教的知识传统 upon which St. galaxy银河娱乐场app was founded is more than just evident on campus; it's thriving. It can be witnessed in our classrooms and our labs, 甚至在我们的舞台和运动场上, in the balance of challenge and support and empowerment and exploration which is enabling our students to fulfill their intellectual, 情感, 物理, 精神潜能.

中的一个示例 《galaxy银河娱乐场app》杂志的文章《galaxy银河娱乐场app》, which takes us into the classroom for a course on forgiveness, reconciliation, and peace-building. 你们会读到, even as students in the class 学习 the psychological, 生理, 以及人们应该宽恕的文化原因, they also come to understand how forgiveness itself is a voluntary gift of mercy from someone who has been wronged – and as such it is, 本质上, 信仰的行为.

You'll also find the Catholic intellectual tradition alive and well in "为和平与正义留下遗产" 讲述已故牧师的故事. Joseph Kokjohn's gift to establish an endowment for peace and social justice initiatives at St. galaxy银河娱乐场app. 用他的天赋, 这个牧师, 老师 ,and longtime Ambrosian sought to enhance the vital dialogue needed on these subjects that will stimulate succeeding generations of galaxy银河娱乐场app students to imagine how the world can be more just, and develop in them the fearlessness of heart and mind to work for that world.

These are but two examples of the 天主教的知识传统 in action on St. galaxy银河娱乐场app的校园. 事实上, 他们表现出, 这不是单纯的定义可以做到的, not just what the Catholic intellectual tradition is but, 更重要的是, why we consider it essential to our institutional vision. For while this great tradition may have been founded in faith, it remains universally relevant because it provides a way of 学习 that emb比赛s truth of every kind and seeks every method of attaining it – especially as our students set about their lifelong inquiry into what it truly means to be human.


We believe that as individuals we are capable of living in the fullest measure when our lives are freely based on values that acknowledge a loving God and a life-affirming moral code. 因此, 我们教, 学习, 在相互尊重的氛围中工作, 诚实, and integrity where excellence and academic freedom are cherished.


We are committed to the richness of the liberal arts tradition through quality instruction that fosters development of a broad awareness of humanity in all its dimensions. Ambrosians use their knowledge, talents, and career skills in service to others.


We believe that people at all stages of life need educational opportunities. 因此, we offer 学习 programs with student-centered teaching that lead to baccalaureate and professional graduate degrees in curricula through the doctoral level as well as non-degree offerings at the undergraduate and graduate levels. 以满足不同学生群体的需求, we use a variety of delivery systems and formats in the Diocese of Davenport, 爱荷华州, 以及其他授权地点. We collaborate with other organizations to offer further opportunities around the world.


St. galaxy银河娱乐场app commits to ensuring diversity, 股本, and inclusion as core priorities as demonstrated by the intentional design of policies, 程序, 资源分配, and practices that respect the God-given dignity and worth of every individual in pursuit of social justice.

受天主教社会教育启发, we resolve to foster an environment designed to dismantle all discrimination, 是否基于性别, 性别认同, 性, 比赛, 种族, color, 能力, 语言, 宗教, 或者社会经济地位.


你准备好下一步了吗? Click on the visit button below to 学习 more about our virtual and in-person visit options.

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